Fee Structure



School Fees

1. School fee is payable in advance bi-monthly. Fee booklet/card issued for the same is to be produced at the time of payment. The booklet will be issued in the month of April.

2. Annual charges to be paid along with the fees for the month of April & May by the old students as well as the new admissions.

3. Late fee at the rate of Rs. 50/- will be charged between 11th and 30th of the month. After 30th the name of the student will be struck off from the school rolls. Re-admission fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged, in case the re-admission is approved by the competent authority.

4. Students coming from other schools are to pay fees for the whole session no matter when they join.

Schedule of payment of fees

Period of Fee Month of payment

April, May April

June, July June

August, September August

October, November October

December, January December

February, March February