Non Contact Tonometry

A tonometry test measures the pressure inside your eye, which is called intraocular pressure (IOP).This test is used to check for glaucoma, an eye disease that can cause blindness by damaging the nerve in the back of the eye (optic nerve ). Damage to the optic nerve may be caused by a buildup of fluid that does not drain properly out of the eye.

ocular trauma management

All types of eye trauma cases are dealt with extra precaution including corneal tear and perforation, blood in eye, glaucoma, retinal tear and hole . Dr Nitesh does medical retina work and do laser of all retinal tears and breaks..


Neuro-ophthalmology is the speciality that deals with ophthalmic disease with neurological problem and various optic nerve disorders like Optic Neuritis, Papilloedema, Ischaemic optic neuropathy, visual field loss, double vision, transient visual loss. DrNitesh evaluate these cases at regular basis at Santokba Durlabhji memorial hospital, Jaipur.

Contact Lens Center

Vision is possibly our most important sense. Approximately 80% of what we learn throughout our lifetime is vision related. Our eyes enable us to read, drive, play sports, shop, and so many other every-day activities. Yet we often take our eyes for granted. Eyes are important indicators of overall health, and comprehensive eye care goes beyond a prescription for glasses or contact lenses. At The Contact Lens Centers, we take the time to get to know you, your eye care history, and your vision needs. Our optometrists provide the expert care, advice, options, and follow up you need whether you are a new patient or an existing one.

Our Facilities

  • Phacoemulsification : Toric , Multi Focal,Foldable Lens,Implantation

  • Lasik Laser : Freedom From Spectacles and Contact Lenses Useful In Sports Fitness & Cosmetic Apperance (लेसिक लेज़र : चश्मे ऐवं लेंस से मुक्ति )

  • PRK (Photo Refractive Keratectomy)
    ICL(Implantable Collamer Lens)
    (पतली पुतली के मरीज़ों के लिए चश्मे से छुटकारा)

  • C3R (Keratoconus Management)
    (कमजोर पुतली के मरीज़ों के लिए उपचार )

  • Non Contact Tonometry

  • Squint & Amblyopia Management

  • Diabetic & Hypetensive Retinopathy Management
    (मधुमेह तथा उच्च रक्तचाप सम्बंधित नेत्र जाँच व उपचार)

  • Contact Lens Center

  • Glaucoma Management
    (काला पानी की जाँच व उपचार)

  • Complete Eye Care

Our Speciality

  • Minimal Invasive Cataract Surgery(MICS,PHACO) Under Topical Anaesthesia
    (बिना पट्टी , बिना सुई व बिना टांके द्वारा फोल्डेबल लेंस प्रत्यारोपण )

  • Lasik Laser Surgery

  • Medical Retina (आँखों के पर्दे से सम्बंधित बीमारिया)

  • Cataract & Phaco

  • Multifocal & Toric IOL (मोतियाबिंद आपरेशन के बाद चश्मे की कोई आवश्तकता नहीं)

  • Squint

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

  • ROP Screening (बच्चो में समय से पहले पैदा होने पर होने वाली पर्दे की बीमारी की जाँच)

  • PTERYGIUM (नाखूना का Limbal Stem Cell Grafting द्वारा शत प्रतिशत इलाज़ )

  • Ocular Tracuma Management